With this version, the Durst Smart Shop and Durst Smart Editor have new features and improvements that guide the customer more intuitively and quickly. New functions in the Editor offer the customer new design possibilities.

Smart Shop

Production calendar in the backend
In the backend there is the possibility to plan the production of the products optimally. With the help of the calendar, working days can be entered and holidays and weekends can be marked as "free". If a production time has been set in the products, the customer is shown the production and shipping time.

Durst digital printing

YouTube embedding
From now on not only pictures and videos can be displayed in the products, but also YouTube videos.

Monetization of uploads
Customers have the possibility to upload multiple upload images for one product. For example, the first upload image can be offered free of charge. As soon as the customer wants to upload a second image, this can be priced.

Storage capacities in the backend
The newly introduced storage option offers the possibility to automatically delete elements after a certain period of time. This setting can be adjusted individually and applies to uploads (images), offers and delivery bills.

Smart Editor

Revision of the editor backend
In the latest version the editor backend has been revised. The configuration of the editor is more compressed and simpler.

Durst digital printing

The complete backend was optically reworked and adapted to the Durst design. This allows an easier configuration.

Durst digital printing

Cropping of images
In this version the Smart Editor gets a new function. The cropping of images, as known from various image editing programs, now also works in the Smart Editor. An own image is uploaded and with the push of a button the image can be automatically cropped from the background.

Durst digital printing

QR Code / EAN Code Function
It is possible to create your own QR code or EAN code directly in the editor. The code no longer needs to be created and uploaded on an external page or with an external app. You simply enter your website, e-mail address, a business card with your data or a free text and the code is generated automatically. Afterwards the generated QR code or EAN code can be placed directly on the product.

Durst digital printing

Help function
The new Help function offers the possibility to guide the customer intuitively through the editor. You can enter a description for each element in the function bar to explain to the customer which function is behind it. It is also possible to show the help function for all elements at the same time (as soon as the editor opens) or to show the descriptions one by one.

Durst digital printing

Sliderscale for images
With a "slider" the image can be easily enlarged or reduced.

Durst digital printing


From this version on, the loading time is shortened again by 2-10 seconds to put a product from the Editor into the shopping cart.

In the latest version the Smart Editor is tagged with a meta tag. This is an enormous advantage for SEO.