Durst Smart Shop - Release Note 5.8.0
In this version, Durst Smart Shop and Durst Smart Editor get new features, as well as improvements that guide the customer more intuitively and quickly. New functions in the editor offer the customer new possibilities of design.
Smart Shop
Shopping cart reminder
Customers who have not completed a purchase transaction will be reminded by email of their created shopping cart. The customer will receive a first email with information about the shopping cart promptly after the cancellation. There is also an option to send further emails to the customer at intervals.
Search function for orders and quotes
Customers can search for their orders and quotes in their account and find a specific offer/quote through keywords or full text.
Credit limit for customers
Each customer can be assigned an individual credit limit. Orders can then only be executed up to a stored value. A check takes place at the transition from shopping cart to checkout. If the system detects that the value of the shopping cart exceeds the defined credit limit, the customer is prompted to reduce the shopping cart.
AcyMailing Integration
From version 5.8 the AcyMailing newsletter solution is integrated. Subscription to the newsletter is possible during account registration and checkout.
Voucher Import / Export
In the latest version it is possible to import or export vouchers with a CSV file.
User group rights
User group rights can be used to define individual usage rules for each product. For example: group is allowed to see the product, group is allowed to see the price, group is allowed to perform actions in the product (upload files, add to wishlist / add to cart).
User Import / Export
The new function enables the import and export of users and customers including address information. A complete import / export can be performed, but alternatively only certain customers or user groups can be selected using filters. Supported formats are CSV and XML.
Extension of dependent product attributes
Reduction of the workload when creating products with complex attribute structure. With the new feature, it is enough to create the product once and the variations of the individual products (size, etc.) could then be easily solved via the attributes.
Smart Editor
Adaptations print PDF for packaging
When transferring print data to the workflow, the output of the print PDF was adapted to the workflow's capabilities.
Design - Inconsistencies
In the latest version, changes were made to the design to achieve a more harmonious and modern overall impression. For example, buttons and positioning have been unified, and the image databases have been given a new navigation, etc.
Storage optimization
To create designs, a lot of data is generated and uploaded. For some customers this leads to the fact that the storage space on the server is no longer sufficient after a relatively short time.
Improvement of mobile capability (responsiveness)
In the latest version, the mobile capability has been optimized and improved, especially for smartphones.