November, 2023

This version introduces significant enhancements and fixes to provide an even better user experience with our Durst Analytics software.

New Features:

Additional ink usage values (for jobs using/not using white, varnish, primer)
Discover enhanced details on ink consumption, both with and without spot colors (white, varnish, primer), through the additional values provided in the Key Performance Indicators (KPI), Exports, and Report tabs.


Durst digital printing

Multilingual Release Notes
Access Release Notes directly available in the software in multiple languages, such as English, German, and Italian, for a more inclusive experience

Role-Specific Release Notes
Role-Specific Release Notes are now available, providing tailored updates for various roles, including Collector, Server, and Customer.

Durst digital printing

Password Visible on Login Screen
Users can now view entered passwords on the login screen.

Durst digital printing

Overview dashboard redesign
The Overview Dashboard features now a more user-friendly design

Printed Linear Meters Included in Excel Export (Jobs)
Printed linear meters are now part of the Excel export, ensuring comprehensive production information.